Meet the people wonderful, in a trip.
Story from Material.
For the girl who loves changing her life.
Photo:坂本光三郎(Kozaburo Sakamoto)

Hand work

オートクチュールのきらめくHAND WORK。 インドのビーズ刺繍、日本の刺し子、それぞれの文化に根ざす完成された美。 作り手が産み出す美しい技術に、心はずんで…。
In the world, textiles of Haute Couture was shining. Each of culture has tasteful beauty. Like a embroidered beads of India, African bogolan and Sashiko from Japan. I was very impressed by excellent technic from artisan.

Love nature

自然のおりなす四季の風を肌に感じ、暮らして来たから、ここにいる。 自然との共生でつちかわされた意識…。 地球にやさしい人でありたい、ということ。
I'm living with excellent natural environments. Then I know nature send us great experience all the time. Mountain, sea and season of wind . We always feel the blessing of nature from mother of earth. So, living with nature makes me gentle of the earth.

Made from Japan

旅は日本の良さを改めて感じさせてくれる。 受けつがれる丁寧、緻密な物作り。 奥ゆかしさの美に対する感覚。 どんな所にいても、そんな心でCreationしたいな…。
I realize good points of Japan when I go abroad. Japanese spirits of graceful and precision. They have been taken over whatever and whenever. I'd like to create with this feeling...


Rocojuli Designer Hiroko Watanabe, from Sendai, JAPAN
She was born in Sendai, Japan and reach her full growth with identity shapes and colors through learning "human body and design" together with interests of solid cutting at Tokyo solid cutting institute. She entered haute couture company. And apparel company as business designer in Japan and India. She started her own brand "Rocojuli".

Rocojuli Brand Data

事業者名:Rocojuli (ロコジュリィ)
代表者:渡邊 ひろこ (ワタナベ ヒロコ)
所在地:〒980-0804 宮城県仙台市青葉区大町2-6-12 402号